Air Messages Pro


not available

Air Message© technologies bring a kind of communication : geospatial messages between users. This is a completly revolutionary idea that mix maps, social network and instant messangers ideas.The App has been released for the first time on BlackBerry Beta Zone and thousands of users have tried it. The developer has recieved useful feedbacks and he has improved his new App that is almost ready for the release.
The main idea is the geospatial communication. Users can chat freely and throw messages (there is also the possibility to throw hidden messages).
If an user picks a message it will disappear. He/She can pick a message only if he/she is in range of ~100km from it and then read the hidden message inside.
Every user can throw a message away randomly, indeed the messages can travel around the world with users’ help! If a message is very popular…something will happen!
There are five types of icons to indicate the message presence and the geographical position on the global map. Moreover Marco has improved map stability and speed.
Offensive users can be permanently banned from the app, every user can help our team to remove bad contents through the “report” button.
Users can looking for friends around the globe through “BBM Pin”.
There is also an Advertising program: Business owners can promote their business with their custom pins for a very special price.

Using this app you accept the Terms of Services listed here:
Features and changelog:+You can meet friends around the world and share your BBM pins+User can chat freely in every message+You can pick a message and read the hidden message inside if you're in range of ~100km from it.+If you pick a message it will disappear.+Hub Notifications (just leave the app minimized! )+You can throw a message away from you randomly, open a chat with users around the world. If a message become very popular.. something will happen!+ "BBM Pin" for easily search for friends around the globe!+ Whatsapp, Telegram and Facebook pins for let people know you.+ Air Message Advertise Program: Business owners can promote their business with their custom pins for a very special price.
Air Messages team reject the responsability on your contents: user contents are unmoderated.Please be polite and correct.
Using this app you accept the Terms of Services listed here: